
About MONAHEN Advocaat

Choose us for trust, service and accuracy

MONAHEN Advocaat stands for a law firm with quality legal assistance and guarantees confidentiality in all cases. We distinguish ourselves mainly on the basis of specialist knowledge. You can contact our office for all your questions regarding formal tax law. We assist individuals, companies and non-profit organizations against the judiciary or the tax authorities. If you or your organization has received a tax assessment, fine, information decision or a call for questioning, we can assist you with our specialist knowledge. As problem solvers, we try to avoid a lawsuit, but if a lawsuit is necessary, your legal protection is our priority. We can guide you from start to finish with the aim of achieving the desired result.



MONAHEN Lawyer, expertise and reliability are the basis.

MONAHEN Lawyer was founded by Mr.

Mr. M. Hatite. After years of working as a tax advisor, the time was right to start working as a lawyer with the baggage of experience. MONAHEN Advocaat serves clients throughout the country and focuses on private individuals and entrepreneurs from both the Netherlands and abroad. Mr. M. Hatite has both a master's degree in Tax Law and a master's degree in Dutch law (Criminal Law) at Tilburg University. Issues that MONAHEN Advocaat can help you with include:

  • Seizure of funds, bank accounts and / or administration
  • Objections and appeals
  • Documents investigation
  • Fines
  • Information decision
  • Additional assessment
  • Allegations of fraud, forgery or money laundering
  • Interrogation with the FIOD, police or Customs
Please contact us


mr. M. Hatite is registered as a lawyer in the Netherlands with the Dutch Bar Association.

If necessary, Mr. C. Houth will act as his replacement.

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